Recovery Resource Outreach Ministry Inc. is a charitable organization dedicated to providing support and essential resources to individuals who are experiencing homelessness. Our mission is to respectively and compassionately empower persons who are homeless with hope by providing emergency information and resources for transitional shelter, care, and guidance together with the community.

Our team works to connect those in need with essential first aid and personal hygiene resources. We believe that every person deserves the opportunity to create a life that they love. Below are solutions we believe are necessary for this epidemic.
Affordable Housing
Increase the availability of affordable housing units to accommodate individuals and families who are experiencing homelessness.
Supportive Services
Provide comprehensive services such as mental health counseling, substance abuse treatment, and job training to address underlying issues faced by individuals who are experiencing homelessness.
Emergency Shelters
Expand and improve emergency shelters to offer safe and dignified accommodation for those experiencing homelessness.
Housing First
Prioritize getting people into stable housing first, then address other needs. This approach has shown success in reducing chronic homelessness.
Prevention Programs
Implement programs to prevent homelessness, such as rental assistance, eviction, prevention, and financial literacy education.
Foster partnerships between government agencies, nonprofits, and community organizations to coordinate efforts and share resources.